10 Simple Vaastu Tips for Your New Home

You’ve finally made the big decision to buy or construct your dream home. Congratulations! Now you want to make sure your new space has positive energy and supports your health, wealth and happiness. That’s where vaastu comes in.

Vaastu is an ancient Indian science that provides architectural principles for designing buildings in harmony with nature and cosmic energies. By incorporating vaastu into your home’s layout and design, you can enhance the flow of positive energy to encourage prosperity and comfort for your family.

Implementing vaastu is especially important when moving into a new construction or making major renovations. But even for an already built home, there are small adjustments you can make to improve its vaastu compliance.

In this comprehensive guide, we share 10 easy vaastu tips you should absolutely use when setting up your new home. implementing these simple principles as you arrange furniture or make minor structural changes will help welcome wealth and prosperity through your door. Keep reading!

1. Face the Main Door to the North or East

The first and most important vaastu guideline is to orient your home’s main entrance correctly. The main door should preferably face north or east rather than the other directions.

Facing the entrance north brings good health, prosperity and harmony within the home. An east-facing door welcomes the rising sun’s energy and new opportunities into your life. It also enhances your mental clarity and focus.

If the plot’s dimensions or road access does not allow this, locate the main door in the north-east corner rather than any other corner for the next best alignment. Avoid south or west facing entrances if possible. Adjustments can also be made with small vaastu defects remedies to balance missing directions.

2. Add a Small Water Body in the North-East

The north-east corner of your home, also called the “Ishanya corner”, is the most auspicious area per vaastu shastra guidelines. Enhancing it brings overall wellbeing and success for residents.

One excellent enhancement you should strive for is placing a small water body or fountain in the exact north-east corner, whether indoors or outdoors. The water element here helps activate this corner’s best vibrations and stimulates positive flow of energy around the whole house.

If there is no space for a small pond or fountain, simply placing a pot, bucket or urn filled with water also does the trick beautifully. Rotate and refresh this water every few days.

3. Get Rid of Toilets & Kitchens in the North-East

Now comes a big vaastu don’t! As we saw above, the north-east is the sacred corner you want to keep light and uplifting for best energy circulation in your home.

So make sure to avoid having a toilet, bathroom or kitchen constructed here at all costs during your home design. The drainage/sewage and intense cooking fire elements have an overpoweringly clashing nature with the peaceful north-east according to vaastu principles. They block auspicious energy and grace from entering instead.

If you already have any of these built in the NE, make arrangements to shift them to the south-east or north-west zones before moving in. If not possible, we have some remedies for you ahead in this post.

4. Slope the Floor From South-West to North-East

Here is a structural tip that hugely improves positivity within any home – installing the floors with a mild slope running from the south-west direction towards the north-east.

Such a gradient allows beneficial energy waves to flow gently upto the vital north-east corner, circulating around the whole house in a clockwise manner. It also aids drainage of cleansing water outwards from the SW, taking any negativity along with it.

The slope does not need to be very steep at all – even 1 inch difference over a 20 feet length is ideal. This is easy to incorporate during new construction. But innovative levelling techniques can adapt slopes in existing homes too when renovating flooring.

5. Avoid Basement Constructed in the North-East

Many modern homes are designed with basement levels to accommodate parking, services and extra rooms conveniently. But vaastu recommends avoiding digging any basement area in the delicate north-east zone under the building for best luck and finances.

Heavy excavation work here disturbs the foundation and affects the stability of the entire structure over time. More importantly according to vaastu experts, it “cuts off the legs” of the auspicious energy which should flow unobstructed from the NE into the rest of the home for prosperity.

It is fine to have basement levels under other sections just not interrupting the north-east corner specifically. If already built that way, remedy by placing a heavy pot or plant symbolising energy anchoring in the exact NE ground spot if possible.

6. Add More Open Space in the North & East

To harmonise your home’s spatial geometry with nature for ideal vaastu alignment, ensure the north and east sides have more open space compared to south and west.

These directions should be “lower” while north/east remain “higher” to allow unobstructed inflow of Divine cosmic energy, light and pleasing breeze. Structurally, keep the building’s north-east portion light by avoiding too much construction clutter – whether walls, storage items or vegetation.

Also pay attention to this tip when designing the outdoor landscape. Have broader, cleaner driveways, gardens or courtyards along the home’s north and east sides. Plant shorter trees which allow sunlight and air without shadowing. Add taller trees, vegetation and fences only alongside west and south if required.

7. Set the Prayer Room in the North-East

To amplify the already powerful north-east corner, construct your home temple, prayer room or meditation zone here. Daily worship and positivity creation in this section will activate tremendous blessings for you and your family’s success per vaastu guidance.

If lacking space inside for a full shrine, simply use this spot to place your deities, spiritual images or altar. Lighting incense sticks daily while praying here multiplies the north-east’s benefic powers. Chanting, meditation or yoga done in this zone also energises health and vitality through environmental harmony according to vaastu.

In case you cannot avoid having other utilities already built here, introduce remedies ahead. But do set up a small sacred space, altar or shelf here for spiritual practice even if you assign your main home temple elsewhere.

8. Locate the Kitchen in the South-East

As explained before, avoid placing the kitchen in the north-east by any means if you want to attract wealth energy. The south-east section is best for locating your kitchen according to vaastu due to its inherent fiery nature.

The south-east governs prosperity and nourishment. Cooking activity here supports these roles through the right balance of fire element without overkill. The lady of the house spending time in this direction daily also energises fortune and stability.

So whether building from scratch or renovating, ensure to set up your kitchen in the south-east section of your home blueprint for synchronising its functioning rhythmically with nature’s realm. Avoid kitchens in the north or west zones.

9. Add More Trees & Plants in the West

Greenery elements are vital inclusions per vaastu for home gardens and outdoor areas to harness nourishing solar, air and earth energy beneficially. But did you know their placement also matters according to vaastu principles?

The dense and heavy west side of any home attracts heat, friction and less positive wind flows. So adding more large trees and plants specifically to block this harsh western exposure protects and cools the house while blocking obstacles.

Choose banana, papaya, lemon or big fruit/shade trees to naturally form a protective screen around the west boundary or backyard without overcrowding other areas. Include flowering shrubs and creepers to enhance beauty and auspiciousness. Just avoid thick bushes directly near the house perimeter here as they can encourage pests.

10. Apply The Right Paints & Accessories

Lastly, vastu provides detailed guidance on ideal home interior designs & colour schemes and décor choices for balancing mood, energy and prosperity indoors.

As a rule of thumb, decorate your home mainly in lighter, softer shades that feel airy and spacious rather than bold dark colours. Paint key rooms like bedrooms, prayer spaces and study in tranquil whites, soft pinks, greens and light blues that relax the mind. Add earthy accents in yellow, sandy brown and pale terracotta shades to boost positive energy flow.

You can also introduce vaastu elements symbolically through well-chosen artworks, figurines or spiritual accessories. Place them appropriately in matching directions – e.g. pair crystallised elephant sculptures facing the main entrance for good luck; or add art depicting water features in the north-east.

Align small décor selections with big structural factors, and your home transforms into a vaastu-compliant abode supporting health and prosperity through environmental balance and cosmic harmony!

Over to You

And there you have it – the 10 most important tips from vaastu shastra principles to implement when designing or furnishing your new home for inviting fabulous luck. Whether you construct it from scratch or move into an existing property, these guidelines help make optimal spatial arrangements filled with positivity.

Adapt structural factors like door alignment or kitchen placement right from the beginning if possible, even if making gradual tweaks. Additionally introduce matching remedies, accessories or décor selections to amplify the benefits of vaastu corrections you actualise. Over time, keep enhancing as per these guidelines, and relish living in a home that supports your family’s overall growth and destiny!

Which among these vaastu tips for new homes did you find most useful? Do you plan to apply any right away, or have any additional questions? Let me know in the comments!